The Phoenix Centre

Client: LIFT Co. / NIB Capital
Location: Wolverhampton, West Midlands.
Value: £5.6m
Year: 2005

Whilst working at Drivers Jonas Deloitte I was the lead project manager for the development of this health centre, the smallest of two new health centres constructed in the Wolverhampton area in the first wave of the Government’s Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) scheme.

The new facilities provide a gross internal floor area of approximately 1,540 sq m comprising a dental suite, doctor’s surgeries, a pharmacy, for use by a third party operator and general staff and administrative accommodation.

We were also appointed by the bank, NIB Capital, providing finance for the development, to undertake pre-contract due diligence of the design, construction and operational proposals put forward by the PFI Provider and to monitor the works on their behalf. Drivers Jonas Deloitte were also appointed by the PFI Provider as their Employers Agent as well as acting as Independent Certifier of the completed works.

The works were completed in December 2005 on time and within budget.


  • Technical Advisor/Due Diligence
  • Employers Agent
  • Independent Certifier
  • Project Management