Wolverhampton SSDP

Client: Wolverhampton City PCT & Wolverhampton City Council
Location: Wolverhampton
Value: £100,000,000
Year: 2009 – 2010


Whilst working at Drivers Jonas Deloitte I was the joint Project Director for the development of six new centres integrating health and social care services plus six stand alone health centres at various sites throughout Wolverhampton with the works being procured via their framework partner, Healthcare Improvements Partnerships, a LIFT Company established under the NHS’s LIFT programme.

The Strategic Service Development Programme (SSDP) aimed to radically change the way in which health and social care was provided through the integration of Council and PCT services to allow health and adult and community care to be delivered in an integrated environment closer to patient’s homes. Being an integration project as opposed to a co-location this was a pathfinder programme which had not be undertaken before.

A number of issues needed to be overcome to deliver this very challenging programme including the implementation of new models of care, reviewing the affordability of the proposals, extensive stakeholder liaison and the coordination of multiple work streams including two very different funding streams into a single approvals process.


  • Programme management
  • Business Case


  • N/A


  • TeamDrivers Jonas Deloitte